All Dance classes begin in the fall and progress through the spring and summer sessions. Do not register for a higher level in the spring or summer. For beginner and lower-level classes, new students should enroll according to the age requirements specified below. New students with previous training and any student with questions regarding proper class placement should call Carolyn Hanna at 903-510-2483 or email for information and director’s approval before enrolling.
Enrollments are accepted on a “first come, first served” basis. ENROLL EARLY TO GUARANTEE ENTRY, as the dance program limits class sizes, and classes will be closed when enrollment quotas are met. Late enrollments after the session begins will be accepted on a space-available basis only.
Hair: All students with long hair must wear it in a bun, tightly secured with no stray hairs. For short hair, secure with barrettes/pins off the face.
The dress code is dependent on the level of placement. Please contact Carolyn Hanna at for more information.
T-shirts, shorts, skirts, and legwarmers are not allowed in ballet technique or pointe classes.
Suggested Dance Attire Distributors:
Missed classes may be made up in a comparable or lower-level class at any time; ask your instructor as to which class to attend. Make-up classes for missed or canceled classes may be taken at any time during the session, but make-up classes cannot be “rolled over” into a future semester. Making up missed classes is optional. There are no refunds for missed classes, regardless of the circumstances. Students who discontinue attendance at classes enrolled may not transfer their enrollment to another student, nor are there refunds for non-attendance.
In case of classes canceled due to instructor illness or threatening weather, it shall be at the instructor’s discretion to schedule an extra makeup class, or to have students attend another class already in session.
Students may not substitute optional classes for required classes, nor substitute classes from another level without approval of instructor/director.
* A $50 discount will be given to students who enroll in three classes.