Please fill out the appropriate Registration/Consent Form located after the camp descriptions. Please make certain your camper’s age fits within the age/grade-level range listed in the camp description. Feel free to copy for multiple camps/campers. There is limited enrollment in each camp, so please register early.
Parent or acting guardian must accompany and supervise children under the age of sixteen (16) while within Pirtle Technology building.
A supervised lunch hour is provided from noon to 1 p.m. for those campers who are registered for a morning (9 a.m.-noon) camp session and an afternoon session (1-4 p.m.). This option requires pre-registration. Please bring a sack lunch as no food service is provided. Students will be escorted to their next camp session.
Parents are asked to provide daily transportation for students attending camps and daily walk students inside the facility. Please pick students up promptly.
Our programs sometimes offer Internet service to our participants. Part of our responsibility in preparing participants for the future is to provide them access to the tools they will be using as adults. With this opportunity comes responsibility. Use of the Internet is a privilege, NOT a right.
Examples of Internet infractions that may be assigned consequences include but are not limited to:
Tobacco products in any form are not permitted on the main TJC campus or any other TJC site. This includes parking lots and any owned, leased or rented property of TJC. Illegal drugs and/or misuse of other drugs is NOT ALLOWED at any TJC location. Alcohol is NOT ALLOWED to be brought onto or consumed at any TJC location.
Who to Contact Regarding Title IX Violations
Any person (student, faculty, staff, or guest) who believes that discriminatory practices have been engaged in based upon gender may discuss their concerns and file informal or formal complaints of possible violations of Title IX with the following Title IX Coordinator:
Andrew Cantey, Assistant Director
Employee Relations & Compliance, Human Resources
Tyler Junior College
1327 South Baxter Ave
Tyler, Texas 75701
Telephone: 903-510-2186
Tyler Junior College gives equal consideration to all applicants for admission, employment and participation in its programs and activities without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, marital status, disability, veteran status or limited English proficiency (LEP). Tyler Junior College respects the legal rights of each person to work and learn in an environment that is free from unlawful sexual discrimination including sexual harassment and sexual violence.
For more information on Title IX, visit
No participant will cause or threaten physical imposition, bully or behave in such a way as could reasonably be anticipated to cause physical injury or emotional trauma to a staff member, fellow participant or any other person. TJC is committed to providing an environment that is free from all forms of harassment, intimidation, fear and coercion. Harassment that is based on race, sex, religion or ethnicity is reprehensible and will not be tolerated.
Examples of prohibited harassment:
The items listed above are not an all-inclusive listing. Participants who believe that they are the victims of harassment should report such occurrences to their respective camp supervisor/trip sponsor or the executive director of human resources.
If any person associated with the TJC camp programs has a concern about a possible violation of Title IX or harassment, or any and all forms of discrimination by any employee, affiliated vendor or affiliated personnel, contact Andrew Cantey, Assistant Director Employee Relations & Compliance, Human Resources at 903-510-2186 or
Requests for refunds should be received at TJC West (RTDC) two days prior to the starting date of the camp. Click button below to make a request.
Request Refund